Starship Level Technology Now

Samuel Cox
5 min readMar 9, 2022


The Incan empire was almost completely destroyed by European forces in the 16th century. Many of their massive temples, fortresses and cities were left standing, but without any clues as to their purpose. Qenqo Temple, fifteen minutes from Cusco is similarly mysterious and a dark account has formed in the historical vacuum.

In Quechua, Qenqo means labyrinth or zig-zag and the temple is named for the crooked canal cut out of its rock. Although it is clear the canal carried some sort of liquid, researchers have been forced to guess at its purpose, and at what liquid it transported. Hypotheses range from carrying holy water, chicha (corn beer), or blood. All three indicate that Qenqo was used for death rituals, possibly to embalm bodies or detect whether a person lived a good life by the course the liquid followed.

Main point, if Giza is, as wee assert, Starship Level Tech designed to help Earth surface beings deal with the type of Global climate problems destroying Earth beings today 2022 then let us stop the tsunami even before it starts. The worldwide pandemic, political upheaval, seismic pandemonium?

Let’s jump ahead to the end of the scenario where confirmation that

Giza Complex is indeed Starship Level Technology that is useable, useful, innovative, world changing possibilities made available for use today.

International teams were internationally formed, launched and nurtured

and the Mission took years after they had all started going. It was a hard

long slog with many touch-and-go critical moments and far too much loss of life of what seems most every species of surface life forms.

Why wait until then? Do the research now, today. Set into action a move that dominoes a host of good moves. Losing a projected 2 Billion dollars per day from climate change, versus just ten percent of one day of loss paid forward into research today could mean the difference between planting a garden this Spring or being planted oneself by survivors if any survivors there be.

Solar maximum, geomagnetic excursion are problems for all Earth life forms. The original architect builders of The Giza Plateau, and artifacts reveal advanced science and advanced social cooperation as well as very long term in progress and benevolence in behavior.

The architect/builders likely having on the way to benevolent care taking of this planet and its life forms. As another example of Megalithic modus operandi and headspace together is in the Peruvian mountains.

Qenqo Artifact monument may be an anti war or a peace memorial


Quadcopter Flight Over Megalithic Qenqo Near Cusco In Peru HYPERLINK





The Incan culture was almost completely destroyed by European forces in the 16th century. Many of their massive temples, fortresses and cities were left standing, but without any clues as to their purpose. Qenqo Temple, fifteen minutes from Cusco is similarly mysterious and a dark account has formed in the historical vacuum.

In Quechua, Qenqo means labyrinth or zig-zag and the temple is named for the crooked canal cut out of its rock. Although it is clear the canal carried some sort of liquid, researchers have been forced to guess at its purpose, and at what liquid it transported. Hypotheses range from carrying holy water, chicha (corn beer), or blood. All three indicate that Qenqo was used for death rituals, possibly to embalm bodies or detect whether a person lived a good life by the course the liquid followed.

Alchemy has Egypt as source of origin history wise. The POV gateway team has noticed that appropriately items previously mislabeled. These new POV perspectives change the future for humans. We have discovered a correct identification of Starship Level Technology designed, erected, launched in specific placement at Giza location over four thousand years ago.

Conversely one can know that with little modification the Giza plateau will operate automatically once the PCF is introduced into the MHD Hydraulic control system.

Automatic and mostly perpetual as long as all Giza MHD system components are present.

Placed geologically speaking, atop, the African Blob LLsvp. A B LLsvp is a solid/semi-solid electrical conductor attached to the geophysical core. And by extension AB is electrically connected to the Pacific Blob directly opposite at the diameter of the Geophysical Core and geomagnetic core as

well. Also simultaneously placed within a key spot of the GEC and the Complex ties into the energetic aspects of the GEC when Giza is operational.

Jump to the end of my message which is; since that Giza plateau technology ideas and design outcomes, goals, results and output can protect Earth’s surface the major global governments are

cooperating to implement appropriate actions to bring human friendly conditions for Earth Climate stability.

Cost effective potable drinking water from seawater/saltwater available. This. Is massive since the planet earth is seventy percent covered in sea water which is fossil fuel, for free electrical production, industrial steam driven power.

That is also simultaneously parallel work on starship craft to leave Earth for more friendly environs someday?

The time frame is hugely estimated at by this author at ten years until noticeable improvements are made so until then it will be for surface life forms the worsening of global conditions will continue to take unprecedented toll on lives globally en masse and infrastructure downgrading.

If only the human community had acted sooner, if only the human community had acted sooner.


ORDER:32814 (SEPTEMBER 17, 2020)

ISBN: 978–1–7923–5040–5

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That is the stuff too inane for prime time ending of humanity is now looking at: If humanity movers and shakers do not shake a leg and get busy starting with the premise. We are much better off acting as if this information is true and requires immediate full cooperative, coordinated actions until further notice and one such wise move might be a fabulous computer modeling/simulation of Giza Complex as MHD oriented processing, distribution network of a geotechnical global community civil Engineering rescue mission.

Fund the project Computer Simulations, Recommendations for action, timeline frame?

There are many relevant questions yet not germane to the thesis re Giza, in what ways is Giza worth noting?

*Giza tech rivals today 0. View first from moon orbit show GEC Map and cross section showing African Blob.


What is that to humanity nowadays? This is the view from outside moving into center of the subject matter. Indeed, how would a scientist who was into physics and engineering but was not a teacher of these disciplines, how would they make the information available to the following persons?

Understand, comprehend the essential workings, operations, purposes of a cyclotron to:

* to: Amazon rainforest Aborigines,

*Migrant farm workers?

* Grade schoolers?

* High schoolers?

* College graduates?

* Scientists & peers?


Until this decade of this century our global population available to explore Giza have been somewhat equivalent to stone age aborigines disassembling a cyclotron to determine where people lived, slept, were buried or perhaps we were as a scenario of ants discovering and abandoned in an AC condenser outside and then moving in and creating its own mythology regarding the AC unit’s meanings to the ants.

POV Gateway is not so much interested in how Giza was built nor so much the specific personal identity of who designed and built the complex, but more so interested in the paradigm of MHD and the theme of MHD motif with signature elements of MHD featured at 3 pyramids and elsewhere at The Giza Plateau in Egypt.

Giza was built for a purpose. Examine and analysis for what purpose(s) might Giza be placed where it is? If determined then is that what is wanted needed today? Can humans make the purpose happen? How soon?

