Samuel Cox
3 min readMar 31, 2022



HOW WOULD ONE RECOGNIZE technology of STARSHIP level Technology?

A possible operational definition of Starship Level Technology could be that until at such time people are in fact traveling between star systems then, that Tech level of development would be a literal Starship Tech Level of development.

Humanity is not quite gotten fully settled into the Quantum computing age yet so no Starships in practice but we got relevant ideas.

I wonder if we can imagine what that future Starship Level Tech engineering might could look like in the future of Technology ahead of us.

It might be useful to contemporarily get the engineering Big Picture up to 2022 A.D. so to assist our abilities for relevant and germane Pattern Recognition at Giza Plateau.

Then we compare 2022 A.D. engineering Tech Level compared to the 5000 years older, and presumably because historical records show North Africa cultures were not as technically developed as , 2022 AD Tech Level, then we 2022 AD folks can note Similarities which may also be Anomalies.

Compare and make a note about, if any, the Engineering similarities

SO the Engineering questions might be: Should / could / would 2022 AD Level of Tech, be found in a 3000 BC artifact, a manufactured edifice over 5000 years old?

Common historical understanding says: No.

Would it be anomalous or incongruent for 2022 AD level of tech, to be found operating in a 3000 BC artifact?

Common understanding says: YES it would be anomalous.

SO if anomalous similarities found then what?

Follow all the Similarity ‘bread crumbs”, follow the familiar patterns to connect the dots forming an even more complete picture.

We at POV Gateway found multiple engineering similarities/anomalies that all fit into the category of electro-mechanical machinery. All edifices at Giza reveal magneto hydro dynamic hydraulic control system principles and/or processes. We have just begun to post what we have found and it is only the surface of what is available for betterment.

Jump to the end of the Super Advanced Science Scenario: Giza complex is a product of Starship Level Technology’s CULTURE heart and mind.

The intent of their minds and hearts are evidently peaceable, generous and benevolent because this Complex seems to be a Global Climate Control Center already placed into the Global Electrical Circuit (GEC) and when Giza Complex is fully online, up and running then Giza’s electrical aspects complete actively connecting as an active component of the GEC modus operandi.

So far we at POV-G deduce a best guess that one function of Giza Complex is to produce & distribute to the ionosphere the magnetic foam that the Earth Magnetosphere normally produces in adequate supply the magnetic foam to block the solar onslaught from cooking and then freezing the surface life forms.

Upcoming POV-G videos will show how Khufu makes magnetic foam.

Today in 2022 AD the Earth’s magnetosphere strength is continuing to diminish is protective strength and currently is down to 75% and decreasing.

Mother Earth and her children need Magnetic Foam to stop the solar particles at the mutual borders of Earth magnetosphere and the Sun’s leading edge of the solar wind/CME bow shock area, which by some NASA aficionados call the area just behind the outer edge of the magnetosphere encountering and blocking the invading protons is the, Foam Zone. The Foam Zone needs more magnetic foam.

We at POV-G believe we’ve deduced how Khufu can make Magnetic foam when all its components are in place.

Likely the most important tool is: to make and maintain Friendships First in order to make the tools to fix the problem in which that EVERY BODY ON THE PLANET is involved.

Computer Simulation of Giza Pyramids Complex might provide the solutions to save all humanity from the global extinction event already in progress.

William J. Johnson, Samuel R. Cox, JoCo Prods.

Perspectives Enhancement Project_ P.O.V. _GATEWAY_

