Samuel Cox
4 min readJan 5, 2022

Next to the dolomite used on the exterior Great Giza Pyramid Piezo-Electric Crystal Power Primer. Dolomite is known to increase but if a quartz crystal is squeezed along a certain direction the atoms shift because of the resulting asymmetry in charge the dipoles no longer cancel each other out. The opposite charges collect on opposite faces of the crystal. The stretched cell ends with a negative charge one side and. The net positive on the other. This charge imbalance is repeated all the way through the material, this results in a voltage that can drive electricity through a circuit.

Piezoelectric and Pyroelectric Ceramics And Pyroelectric ceramics. Ferroelectric, we have already considered some of the properties, some the crystal structures of the perovskite and let us continue talking about the different coefficient used in Piezoelectric phenomena. We have already discussed, the strain coefficient charge output coefficient as well as the Charge output coefficient and then the voltage and then the Voltage coefficients. We will define them corrects the stage how exactly and another very important parameter is the Coupling coefficient, which is basically the energy efficiency of system of that. Particular material either from the electrical to material of a mechanical and then n that is two energy terms.This is one of the more important aspects to be noted for piezoelectric effect of applying a stress and generating a Polarization or a voltage. If you apply an instantaneous and generating a Polarization or a voltage at a certain time.

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The theory developed by Bill Johnson and myself is that the Giza plateau and the pyramid Khufu in particular was designed and built to be a green energy producing installation using sea water and electrodynamic energy to create endless free energy and steam power. MHD = Magneto Hydrodynamic Device. Khufu and Cheops both are magnetos and they can both be used to drive voltage through a circuit.

Energy Harvesting using piezo electric devices to harvest electricity Piezoelectric crystals are small devices that convert mechanical stress into electric potential, which can ultimately be used to convert oscillating mechanical motion into a continuous power source. This project involves utilizing piezoelectric technology as an energy harvester for battery replacement in portable applications or as an alternative energy source. Piezoelectric crystals will be characterized with different mechanical excitations to quantify their theoretical maximum efficiencies. Power electronic circuits will be designed that interface to the piezoelectric devices to convert the energy into a more useful form for storage.

People are asking, are seismic upheavals and /or climate shift due to an ever weakening earth Geo-Magnetosphere shield causing problems? Science says, yes, then can energizing the geomagnetic core make a positive difference in shielding earth from CME assaults? Science says, “yes’”, then can energizing the geomagnetic core be done? Science says, Yes energized by Magnetic induction! Then, can humanity accomplish that? Science says, Yes humanity Can, from the Giza Plateau! What are the first steps? Sanity suggests, International co-operation embracing the world’s inclusion might help a great deal. The Giza Pyramid structures are part of a larger MHD Hydraulic Control System, with strong evidence designed with a “Pacemaker” like capability to electrically regulate a healthy Earth’s Geo-Magnetosphere. And all that points toward Giza Plateau Complex possess qualities capable of- Climate control an undoubted first class Computer Model Simulation by a team of the best in the world experts. The modeling gives us a roadmap with a plan, that success is achievable in the science and engineering aspects. A first International Cooperation step might be “The ScanPyramids Project Team,” getting the band back together.” If Research discovers how to implement the amelioration of the climate squeeze and/or also chill out the seismic uneasiness and in the process also we humans become global friends in doing so, then that is a lot of wins. May the relevant parties for this to make a positive difference be called forth at this moment now in action. An introduction to a multipurpose MHD control system as designed, built and operated a long time ago, now in disrepair and awaiting renewal.

Did a highly advanced civilization exist in prehistory? Is the Giza Pyramid a remnant of their technology? Then, what was the power source that fueled such a civilization? The technology of harmonic resonance, claims renowned master craftsman and engineer Christopher Dunn. In a brilliant piece of reverse engineering based on twenty years of research, Dunn reveals that the Great Pyramid of Giza was actually a large acoustical device! By its size and dimensions, this crystal edifice created a harmonic resonance with the Earth and converted Earth’s vibrational energies to microwave radiation. The author shows how the pyramid’s numerous chambers and passageways were positioned with the deliberate precision to maximize its acoustical qualities. This may be the same technology discovered by Nikola Tesla and the solution to our own clean energy needs.