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Infinity is too long, or is it? It is defined as a number greater than any assignable quantity or countable number. Nice, that sums it up except what about what the Bible says of infinity? ``Behold, the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain thee. ‘’ To be infinite is to be without limits. Where there’s a limit there’s finiteness. Being truly infinite, God knows no restrictions of space, ability, or power.”
That begs the question of “What is God anyway? In Christianity and other monotheistic religions, God is the creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority; the supreme being. In certain other religions, God is a superhuman being or spirit worshiped as having power over nature or human fortunes; a deity.
There are a couple of ways in which humans can achieve at least a taste of immortality. First in our artistic endeavors. A true piece of art such as the statue of “The David in Florence Italy” is “immortal.” The mountains and rivers seem to be but that is only in human terms. The sky, space, the continuous area or expanse which is free, available, or unoccupied in our universe. There seems to be quite a bit of that.
In the final analysis, God is what you believe her to be. Whoa, God a she? Why not? Many of us struggle with the concept our understanding of God as a wisened old bearded entity. Seems to me that God, the spirit of all things is undefinable in common terms and is in the end, exists as the concept which we hold as plausible and true/accurate and embraced in our heart of hearts.