Khufu Inner Works

Samuel Cox
1 min readMar 13, 2022


Houdin Solenoid

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Dear Friends, if you know how to contact the French Architect Engineer, Mssr. J. P. Houdin of the Giza Pyramid Houdin’s Spiral Ramp fame then please inform him, his Engineering School and the Nobel Committee, that HOUDIN’s discovery was great and and as also recognized to be from the POV of best scientific evidence shows that more than just a ramp it is a SOLENOID; a Self-Inducting Closed Loop. It is a ramp for electromagnetic energies

The HOUDIN SOLENOID EM FIELD is centrally located wrapping its field around Khufu.

That is factually demonstrated, evidenced by, the science experiments run and recorded by Scan pyramids Project; an RF Resonance Test whose results give evidence of an electromagnetic energy in the form of radio waves beamed into Khufu resulted in Khufu concentrating, focusing that RF energy: a)at the Base, b) in the vertical centrally aligned chambers. These are the energy signatures of and the areas of concentration that a Solenoid field fulfills.

The Scientific significance of this epochal find for Mr. Houdin’s discovery is of Scientific importance yet to be calculated. Now the source of the recorded actuality of that concentrating EM Field is known then anyone can properly analyze functionality possible with such equipment.

Let us give proper kudos and thanks to Mssr. Houdin and the Engineers of France leading us into the Quantum Age.

