Contributions to the learning loop
Contributions to the learning loop of humanity, to the gene pool. We are investigating the creative process, the intuitive mind, the skillset for best operation of the imagination, in order to bring forth full extent of a person’s powers along the line of measurable excellence.
So how do we evaluate progress? The T.O.T.E. processes.
Test operate, test exit
This is how to measure progress, success and see failure as merely a step of the process.
The T.O.T.E. Learning Loop of society is a way of evaluating and integrating human differences in order to survive, develop and transform.
Humor holds two opposing ideas/states of being, etc., ergo cognitive dissonance.
Yes, it can freak out some folks, but if you can Joke about your differences you will reduce stress and enable a deeper understanding. In order to make fun at the expense of X, you must have examined X, to some extent and them make observations via metaphor/a caption/a diff perspective/point of view.
The “Ancient Greeks” defined happiness as “the exercise of vital powers, along lines of excellence in a life affording them “scope”, range and latitude. For role models we have; Disney, Feynman and Einstein. We compiled a cross-study of these mighty imaginations who made their modus operandi readily available. I was amazed to find the Scientists all had an aesthetic sense of beauty developed and integrated centrally to their skill set, points of view, job description/or role.
Intuitive examination is being able to speak the truth with scientific statement about reality and relevance of nature. An observed event becomes a changed event by being observed.
Creative behavioral profiles that were relevant to our research goals enabled richer, deeper, fresher metaphors and expression in all Sensory channels and thus more refinement of writing and or wrighting/crafting skillsets.
Communication consciousness focused on developing ones’ “funny Bone” aka a sense of humor.” As a fully functioning member of a societal grouping the best health of the groups’ personality and values. Humor, the good kind puts the subject back into the learning loop.
The goals of building a consciousness key to the sub-conscious, a pragmatic working relationship with a person’s own sub-conscious, intuition and imagination, roles played throughout living life enhanced by enhancing one’s own equipment to perceive to detect one’s own equipment to perceive by using your imagination as a multi-tool.
We started implementing technique. The results were a startling yet desirable natural transformational process unfolding across paradigms, e.g. Genetics, Living Human Systems, Theatre, Art. The transformations we’d witnessed for decades in theatre events so compelled us to dig further into the compelling mystery of the ‘transformational’ aspects of theatrical events and moments.
Einstein rode a bicycle until late years. His corpus zapped connections to brain responsible for movement, feeling, in motion body in emotion.
We want to share with others the value we have found. The end result is yet unknown for I haven’t gotten to the end yet. Yet now is very different than before.
A famous Physicist proclaimed that nature computes quantumly. Our brain/psyche is of nature and is made to compute quantumly and we have found at least one route to harness the intuitive, quantum imagination.
Release and realize your gifts.
The requirements are, the use of the appropriate technique and the proper over time.
Upgrade your internal software. Unlock your hardware so it sees in 3d, stereo vision. Stereopsis and its pinpoint scrutiny.
The big advantage over an opponent of equal or a little better skill level, ensures fairness and accountability when using neuro Plasticity Maneuvers.
Modern humans & the Alien hybrid theory…are We the aliens?
I am amazed at just how did these structures get built, picture this, but omg, how did they get a design?
Theory: An advanced design, compared to US, intelligent Agency ‘’. It was designed and executed in the Pyramids at Giza, among possible other sites. Giza had intelligent design. Meaning a, deliberate composing, intended delivery, composing/creation, intended delivery from architects. To someone other than themselves and, worth expending the treasure of a country a few times over for zero return to the builders but a payoff that
Benefits the human race and some of their progeny. They want the best for us.
Supposition: If some or all above is true then the designers made the index simple and easy to find and implement. There is a compendium of many categories such as: Mathematical, geometry, astronomical, physics, useful facts.
So where are the rest of the theorems, formulae that should be there for us from an advanced culture of builders/wrights? I advance the notion the pointers to index are multiply located. Only makes sense to make the knowledge available. What have we missed?
I assert the builders built in a lot of recapitulative redundancy regarding index/card catalogue so to speak. A compendium of many categories such as mathematical, astronomical, physics, facts. So where are the rest of the theorems, formulae that should be there for us from an advanced culture of builders/wrights? I advance the notion that the pointers to index are multiply located. It only makes sense. What have we missed?
Supposition: Go to gnome project and get the basic universal gene set and check it out with comparison to data from the Giza. How? Translate the Gene strings to mathematical relationships. Facial recognition software: Feed it the know patterns with labels, and let it look at everything you got designed in pieces in that specific way and no other; upon deliberately purpose, and kept in place where built with no known protection, without moats and walls. If: as in so many examples and heuristics point toward that this. The pyramid form is also a type of library. If true then where is the index? There cannot not be one. There must be an index. Why else leave all those easy clues? Yes, its easy now that we know the weight of the Earth but when we did not know that facts, the Pyramids knew too. Where is the E = mc2 ? In the Pyramids? There are lasers and masers? Where is the math for the tools to build the Pyramid? They obviously have it. Did they share it and we haven’t noticed it yet; similar to the Cuzco walls being sculptures of animals and humans built into unity and the utility of an earthquake proof wall. And since the color had long worn away the stylized sculpted figures were not so easily recognized ala Gestalt “Ah-HA!” Eureka! Voila! Oh, I see them now.” So why not the GIZA? Different cultures same idea of advanced culture. Did they do they want us the get a good message(s). Why Else? If to enslave us why wait so long to Hurt us? We do that ourselves well enough. So beneficent intent on their part seems reasonable.
My guess is that the architects overwhelming, arching message might be something like,” Yo, y’all, this is amazing to you right? Yes, it should be. And, someday you can have it too if, as a species, you live long enough.
“Survival of the most cooperative, that’s us.” My deeper guess is info in the Pyramid will help us toward peaceability. Maybe not, but let us look! Yet, they were there all along. And we were the smartest we could be back then when we first did not notice what was truly present front and center. If builders can build anything just as easily as the next then for what purpose did they design the pieces the way they did?
The challenge today is to design the construction drawings of a pyramid with includes all the currently known deliberately placed, math, geometry, logic axioms/formulae just on Paper. Presume you can manipulate the stone as easily as the originals. Would you get a better picture, deeper understanding? Different but with the same parameters?
Posit: If you find something physically measurable about the Pyramid and you don’t know what it means then keep looking because it is definitely intended to be meaningful. Thanks for this opportunity.