Bling Bling
My son Louk Cox is a record producer in Rotterdam, NL. He graduated from The University Of Texas Butler School Music in 2015. I’m more of a country rock fan turned Jazz maven by virtue of Dexter Gordon, John Coltrane and Miles Davis.
Louk’s label is Chillhop. He has schooled me every step of the way through jazz, rap, hip-hop and now chillhop.
The next time you and your pals coin a slang term to describe your latest bejeweled accessories, don’t bet on keeping it exclusive. The linguistics “gangstas” over at the Oxford English Dictionary aren’t “new jacks” to the latest “def” lingo.
The venerable definitions resource has already added other hip-hop-turned-mainstream terms like “jiggy,” “breakbeat,” “dope” and “phat” to the online updates of the 20-volume dictionary, and now it has started drafting an entry for the latest OED-approved term, “bling bling.”